Christina Gilley
Position: Owner
Years in Industry: 30 years
Years at TSU: 22
Previous Tanning Industry Experience: Started working in a tanning salon in Indiana that was Indiana’s premier tanning salon at the time, owned by Jim Peek at age 16.
What do you like most about Tanning Supplies Unlimited? My husband and I formed TSU to be an advocate for salon owners and felt we could help people be successful.
What do you like most about your job? I love helping people be successful and thinking outside the box. There are multiple ways to get where you want to go and you don’t always have to follow a straight line.
What do you like most about your customers? I love getting together with customers and discussing successes and opportunities for improvement. We have had so much fun over the last 20 years traveling all over the world with this industry and would not change any of it. It has been a wonderful industry and life for my family and I.